Western Terminus Jungle Navigation Co.

R.E.C. Expedition - Western Terminus Jungle Navigation Co.

This past August a select group of the Royal Exploration Corps paid a visit to the docks and surrounding areas of the JNC's western most port.

Sir T. Youngington Regalia Esq., Commander Royal Exploration Corps, Dr. John Nedson Shortbottom III, and Miss Constantine, Princess of Lands and head "Skipper" of the TL Tiki all rendezvoused early morning nearby the JNC's coordinates. As their docks opened the three met with Skipper Marisa and Skipper Casey. The party was granted private access to the upper deck area of the JNC's dock, the departure area for many exciting and dangerous jungle "cruises". Here they were able to conduct research on many jungle insects, check on the radiotelegraphy station, and see to it that the "bee keeping" supplies, shipped by S.E.A. via JNC had arrived.

Once research there was done the explorers made their way down to the water, boarded a boat and ventured into the jungle. The three, Youngington, Shortbottom, and Constantine were joined by Skipper Casey and Skipper Marisa who would be piloting their sturdy motor boat. The R.E.C. members were assured by Skipper Marisa that "we'd never see them again", referring to the other "explorers" on the dock.
Soon they were confronted by a large jungle cat. Marisa pointed out that these animals can jump 30 feet! But that we would be fine, as they were just 25 feet away and that the beast would jump right over. Next, bathing elephants, with their trunks on, hippos with ears wiggling, piranha, monkeys, and even the back side of water.

As the private expedition was coming to an end, and the most dangerous part was upon them, the "return to civilization", they made a few exposures to capture the momentous expedition. On behalf of the Royal Exploration Corps. the three thanked their boat mates and the other JNC skippers on the dock.

From here Commander Youngington and Doctor Shortbottom visited a newly displayed honor to the two explorers at the Tropical Hideaway. The "paddle and plaque" memorializing their recent expedition to the Ramu River located in Papua New Guinea.

Later that afternoon the group made the sweltering journey back though the "jungle" to visit Sam at his watering hole. The three imbibed in refreshing tropical drink and satisfying food.

A most successful campaign!