Distinguished Members

Sir T. Youngington Regalia Esq., Commander Royal Exploration Corps.

Sir T. Youngington Regalia Esq.

Commander Royal Exploration Corps.

Commander Youngington is the current commander of exploration for the R.E.C. The Commander well traveled, having made extended excursions to not only equatorial regions, but to both Poles, parts of New Zealand, and Europe. With a venture to the Matterhorn (Switzerland). Several areas in North America are among his favorites, including; the south-western stretches of Utah to explore the mysterious geology and artifacts of that area, Death Valley and its expansive dunes and lakebeds that are below sea level, as well as an expedition to Alaska to study, photograph, and paddle amongst icebergs. In addition, the Commander has spent a great deal of time in conference with other members of the R.E.C., often utilizing the friendly accommodations of Trader Sam's to hold pre or post expedition briefings.

Commander Youngington is an honorary member of PlusUltra, and it is said he himself has used the portal Mr. Disney constructed to travel to Tomorrowland on several occasions.  In addition, the Commander is a paddlewheel / riverboat captain, holding several licenses having taken instruction from the famous riverboat Captain Ortega, is a licensed telegrapher, and quite talented with various forms of photography having studied Adams, Weston, and Edwards to name just a few.

The Commander can often be found in the company of the great Doctor John Nedson Shortbottom III.

The love of his life, Miss Constantine has been at his side, and he at hers, for many many wonderful years.

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Doctor John Nedson Shortbottom III

Doctor John Nedson Shortbottom III

Born in Scotland, he graduated and received his Doctorate in “Advanced Adventuring Studies” from Cambridge, and shortly thereafter was given a commission in the REC.  He served as an intelligence officer and cartographer for the Royal Flying Corps in WWI additionally training as an aero-plane pilot. 

In the REC he met his good friend, collogue, fellow officer and Adventurer, Commander Sir T. Youngington Regalia Esq.  (The deeds and tales of these compatriots are well known and recounted to this day!) 

The two men have joined, and often lead, numerous explorations to far and exotic locations across globe. While some of their travels are to Northern latitudes such as Norway, British Columbia and New Foundland, they are most often found on Adventures and Expeditions to the South Pacific and The Lost Delta Regions. 

Doctor Shortbottom is most famous for the founding of “Shortbottom’s Landing” – a resort and respite for distinguished Adventurers from around the globe. Located on Ehrlich Island, northeast of New Zealand and within the Polynesian Triangle, the exotic establishment remains in operation to this day. 

Additionally, he is fascinated with the new and emerging technologies of the 20th century and took particular interest in photography, sound recording, radio and cinematography, learning and then using all these mediums to further document and record his Adventures. 

Doctor Shortbottom has an affinity for good rums and while on Adventure and Expeditions, he makes a point to sample and collect local varieties of what he calls, “This Delightful Distillate”.  Eventually he established his own distillery, and he thoroughly enjoys sharing his label with friends and colleagues. The next time you’re at “Shortbottom’s Landing” be sure to ask him for a taste! 


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Miss Veronica Constantine

Miss Veronica Constantine

Explorer, Botanist, Owner and Skipper of the TL Tiki

R.E.C. Aero Squadron 

Miss Veronica Constantine has been a vital member of the Royal Exploration Corps for some time now. Constant companion to Commander T. Youngington. Together they have explored numerous extraordinary locations, documenting the highest peaks and vastest landscapes. Veronica has done extensive research in the fields of botany, zoology, and entomology. She has discovered several new species, including the famous Willowpath Butterfly. They now flourish in her butterfly garden at the site of her business establishment near Schweitzer Falls, in the Lost Delta Region.

Years ago, Veronica joined the Aero Squadron of the R.E.C. She quickly gained notoriety for her speedy transport and skillful aviation abilities, slipping away from her duties at the TL Tiki to join other R.E.C. members in adventures around the globe. To this day, many stories are shared and future plans made at her prized command post. The TL Tiki is home to one of the R.E.C.'s radiotelegraphy stations. Miss Constantine being owner and skipper there, is privy to many secrets and exploratory missions. Constantine is valued as a trustworthy confidant. She also dabbles in chemistry, creating tasty yet potent concoctions for her compadres and even crafting her own fuel for her aeronautical journeys.

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Miss H.B. Elektra

Miss H.B. Elektra

Aeronautical Engineer and Futurist

R.E.C. Aero Squadron

Miss H.B. Elektra is known to have designed many aircraft and other vessels of flight. She, along with Miss Architiki, are the primary designers and engineers of all aeronautical craft used by the R.E.C’s Aero Squadron.

Miss Elektra has also directly worked with Nikola Tesla on various communication devices used aboard many vessels of flight, including the Portable Radiotelegraphy Console. She was one of the few close friends he had, and frequently worked on highly technical projects in his laboratories. While it remains unclear, it is thought she may have ties to PlusUltra much like Tesla himself.

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Lady Evangelynn Longfellow Kipling

Lady Evangelynn Longfellow Kipling

Lady Evangelynn Longfellow Kipling is a lover of animals. She received a most special invitation from King Albert I of Belgium to the Virunga National Park, the protected habitat of the mountain gorillas. She was intrigued by these quadrupedal primates during this, her first African expedition and has been heard to repeat “Mmmm ummm.”

Evangelynn has a special place in her heart for the African lion. Her admiration and love for the king of the jungle is evident throughout the home she shares with her one, true love - her husband, Sir Lawrence David Kipling. Her collection from their travels, can be found in many rooms throughout their humble abode. Back in the day, the Kiplings would often be found at sunrise floating over the Maasai Steppe in Northern Tanzania in search of these powerful, big cats. They were often fortunate to have these expeditions coincide with the migration of the wildebeests. Such a site. A fine advantage to traveling over the bush was avoiding the possibility of being caught in the middle of one of these creatures’ stampedes. Doing so might not necessarily have a positive outcome. A special treat at the conclusion of these high flying adventures was partaking in champagne breakfasts once they landed in the grassland. Most enjoyable.

The Kiplings’ adventures of lately have focused on regions around Eastern Asia. Lawrence and Evengelynn have high hopes to return to the Fortress in the Mediterranean Harbor outside parts of Tokyo in the next few years. During their next excursion they plan to leave behind a relic honoring the Corps and commemorating their visitation to the headquarters of S.E.A.

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Sir Lawrence David Kipling

Sir Lawrence David Kipling

There are rumors that Sir Lawrence David Kipling discovered the legendary fountain of youth somewhere in the South Pacific. While Sir Kipling denies the rumors, speculation runs rampant as to how his beautiful wife retains her youthful appearance despite having been married to Sir Kipling for decades.
Some have even gone so far as in insinuate that a handful of the leading skin care companies have combined to pay vast financial sums to Sir Kipling, just to keep him from releasing his discovery to the world.

To further the speculation of such a discovery, he was seen providing an unknown liquid concoction to members of a herd of elephants in Sub-Saharan Africa. Some say that many in this particular herd have seen the quantity of wrinkles miraculously disappear. Sir Kipling response… “Poppycock”.
Recently, during one of the Kiplings’ overseas adventures, Sir Lawrence had a run in with one particular pachyderm who became disgruntled. Was it due to the potion he gave the elephant or was it due to the lack of peanuts Sir Lawrence had on hand? We may never know. What we do know is that Sir Lawrence found himself spending a few days in a medical facility dealing with his ailments, but he is on the road to recovery. May the words of Commander Youngington serve as a reminder, “He would be wise not to work for peanuts moving forward.”

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Doctor Artimus Kingsmen

Doctor Artimus Kingsmen

Born in South Africa in June of 1896, Artimus Kingsmen was the son of Sir Freemond and Mary Allan Kinsgmen – a family of adventurers and scientists. In service to their Majesty, King Edward the VII, the Kingsmen family were commissioned to explore the great African Plains and Amazon jungle in hunt of treasures, artifacts and new spices for the Great British Empire.

As a youth, Artimus discovered a love of science for archeology as he studied the development of ancient societies. Because of this he was recruited by The Royal Army, and assigned as head of social science at the young age of nineteen. Ever since, he has been avid in collecting remains of past culture societies, documenting them and artifact hunts - doing so with unrivaled acumen and an eye for committing to excellence for the British empire.

His excitement for The Royal Exploration Corps is rivaled only by his passion for new adventures!

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Lady Elizabeth Hastings

Lady Elizabeth Hastings

Platypus Researcher
Gator Wranger

Lady Elizabeth Hastings, known as “Lizzie” when she’s wielding an ax.

After the untimely passing of her husband, Cornelius Walter Hastings II, she did what any other self-respecting lady of high society would do to cope with the grief; she immediately began exploring the world.

She started off mountaineering with Lucy Walker, sipping champagne and eating cake along the way.

She gallivanted the Outback of Australia looking for the befuddled platypus (they remind her of her be-liked husband being both awkward on land and water). She wrangled gators of the Louisiana bayou and laughed with hyenas in the savannah.

She took an interest in native weaponry and dress. She became a master of Mongolian throat singing. (Just don’t ask her to sing it. She no longer performs.)

Her Motto: Life is an adventure, so grab your mead and meet me beyond the horizon!

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Sir Tony of the Tiki

Sir Tony of the Tiki

Adventurer and Artisan
Antiquities Dealer
Procurer of Relics

Adventurer, Antiquities Dealer and Procurer of ancient relics. Tony is unique among his fortune hunting peers in that not only does he excel at uncovering treasure, but is unrivaled at concealing it.

It has been said that when Sir Tony hides valuable trinkets, it is as if their very existence has been erased. Indeed, many are the Adventurers who have sought clues as to the whereabouts of Sir Tony’s artifact caches, yet few are those who can boast their discovery.

Furthermore, Sir Tony is an iconic HOST within the Lost Delta Region’s Social Scene. His soirées and gatherings are the very constitution of legend. Renowned for his day-long Adventurers’ Galas, guests have been known to travel thousands of miles to be counted among attendees.

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Skipper Cullen

Skipper Cullen

Distinguish Jungle Boatman
Collector of Serrasalmus Rhombeus
Scholar of Carnivorous Flora

Skipper Cullen can be found on the western J.N.C. docks directing skiffs in and out of the small river area. Often called upon to assist with passengers that have gotten a bit too friendly with the aquatic inhabitants, occasionally requiring a bandage for a nip caused by the areas piranhas. A good reminder to always keep your hands inside the boat!

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Skipper Kristi

Skipper Kristi


Bamboo Aficionado

An Arborist and High Ranking officer in The Jungle Navigation Company, Skipper Kristi is a staple around the Western Terminus.

Always at the ready to point out her favorite Jungle foliage and recount the tales of storied bamboo, she was instrumental in the christening (and pruning) of the Adventureland Treehouse and Field Offices.

Whether found on the Jungle Rivers or in the Jungle canopy, this Skipper is Equally photogenic and photosynthetic. She is budding with Gallantry, blooms with Bravery and is rooted in Vigor. The Corps is honored to have her firmly planted within our Roster.

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Skipper Emily (Westen Terminus J.N.C.)

Skipper Emily (Westen Terminus J.N.C.)

Iron Horse Conductor

Jungle Navigation Co. Western Terminus Skipper

The Corps is pleased to welcome Skipper Emily Westen Terminus to the ranks of Distinguished Members. As you know, we have a Skipper Emily situated in the east as well. And, as they say, if ONE Emily is good... Well, you know the rest.

Skipper Emily of the West, a well respected navigator of the often treacherous waters of the jungle, is always someone you can count on when the going gets... rough.

Miss Emily has also recently taken to piloting experimental aircraft including the Dayton-Wright FP.2 with an incredible top speed of nearly 120 mph. As well as conducting passengers aboard the Iron Horses that transport guests on Grand Circle tours.

Look for this Skipper on your next expedition.

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Skipper Annie

Skipper Annie

Jungle Skipper
Fearless Explorer
Motorcar Driver

Skipper Annie is perhaps the most well known J.N.C. Western Terminus Skipper. Having not only guided uncountable expeditions, she has saved numerous adventures from unfathomable perils.

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Skipper Steven

Skipper Steven

Jungle Navigation Co. Westen Terminus Skipper

Distinguished Cartographer

Former phylum Chordata Researcher and noted serpent "Charmer"

Skipper Steven is your man when your expedition is expected to travel "off the map". His cunning wits and uncanny sense of direction are sought after by explorers the around the world. His former research with serpents at one time had Doctor Jones and Skipper Casey trying to convince Steven to join an expedition into an uncharted area of the Temple they were about to explore.

If you can charter a skiff with Skipper Steven at the helm you can be assured of at the very least a safe return.

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Skipper Joshua

Skipper Joshua

J.N.C. Skipper

Young and savvy, Skipper Joshua has made a name for himself transporting artifacts from excavations at the Temple of the Forbidden Eye to the JNC docks and beyond!

His piloting skills and reputation for negotiating hippopotami infested water has caught the attention of not only Alberta Falls but Dr. Jones as well.

Keep an eye on Skipper Joshua, he will certainly find his way to the who’s who list of the Lost Delta!

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