Doctor John Nedson Shortbottom III

Doctor John Nedson Shortbottom III

Born in Scotland, he graduated and received his Doctorate in “Advanced Adventuring Studies” from Cambridge, and shortly thereafter was given a commission in the REC.  He served as an intelligence officer and cartographer for the Royal Flying Corps in WWI additionally training as an aero-plane pilot. 

In the REC he met his good friend, collogue, fellow officer and Adventurer, Commander Sir T. Youngington Regalia Esq.  (The deeds and tales of these compatriots are well known and recounted to this day!) 

The two men have joined, and often lead, numerous explorations to far and exotic locations across globe. While some of their travels are to Northern latitudes such as Norway, British Columbia and New Foundland, they are most often found on Adventures and Expeditions to the South Pacific and The Lost Delta Regions. 

Doctor Shortbottom is most famous for the founding of “Shortbottom’s Landing” – a resort and respite for distinguished Adventurers from around the globe. Located on Ehrlich Island, northeast of New Zealand and within the Polynesian Triangle, the exotic establishment remains in operation to this day. 

Additionally, he is fascinated with the new and emerging technologies of the 20th century and took particular interest in photography, sound recording, radio and cinematography, learning and then using all these mediums to further document and record his Adventures. 

Doctor Shortbottom has an affinity for good rums and while on Adventure and Expeditions, he makes a point to sample and collect local varieties of what he calls, “This Delightful Distillate”.  Eventually he established his own distillery, and he thoroughly enjoys sharing his label with friends and colleagues. The next time you’re at “Shortbottom’s Landing” be sure to ask him for a taste! 
