Honorary Members

Lady Katherine

Lady Katherine

Explorer of Lost Civilizations
Associate of Dr. Henry Walton Jones, Jr.

Lady Katherine, a much sought after explorer of forbidden antiquities and ancient temples is a great and dully noted member of the R.E.C.

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Lady Lily

Lady Lily

Skilled Markswoman
Curling Lead

Miss Lady Lily, known to have a "dead eye" aim with a rifle, is also known to be formidable at throwing guards and a skilled sweeper.

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Sir "Jungle Cruiser" Ian

Sir "Jungle Cruiser" Ian

Dog Sled Musher
Brandy Ice Player

Sir Ian, a notable member of the R.E.C., hails from the the lands above the 49th parallel. He and Miss Lady Lily have lead many explorations deep into the Canadian Rockies and the Northwest Territories.

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Sir Alan "Jones" Douglas

Sir Alan "Jones" Douglas

Noted Archeologist
Cartographer and Antiquities Collector

Sir Jones has recently become an Honorary Member of the Royal Exploration Corps. Jones, known for his steadfast demeanor in the face of danger is well know for his work not only in the Temple, but in the deep reaches of the surrounding jungle.

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Skipper Freddy

Skipper Freddy

Melliferous Baritone

Skippy Freddy is no stranger to Adventure. Not only does he come to The Corps with an agglomeration of accolades and commendations, but he also brings an awe inspiring, melodious voice. Having studied under Gleemeister Colonel Critchlow Sunchbench, his intonation is nothing short of majestic.

Indeed, his rendition of “The Adventurers Club All Purpose Theme Song” stirs the blood and has been known to bring a tear of admiration to many the Adventurers’ eye.

The Royal Exploration Corps is honored to include this melliferous Baritone among its ranks.

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Sir Banyan

Sir Banyan

Documentarian and Adventurer

Sir Banyan is a young explorer who lives by the motto “Go somewhere different and do something new”. A true adventurer at heart, young Banyan is best known for documenting his collaborative excursions with like minded adventurers as well as his constant solo side quests. Often confused with the renowned Oliver Waynewright, some have claimed that these two explorers are actually the same person, despite photographic evidence to prove otherwise. What has been confirmed is they are a team of sorts, with a complicated, competitive partnership. Although not as accomplished as Oliver, the young Sir Banyan is quickly becoming known as a true advocate of adventure throughout the R.E.C.'s ranks.

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Sir Cole

Sir Cole

Renowned Explorer

With unsurpassed vigor, an abundance of bravery and unrivaled gallantry, Sir Cole exemplifies all that is best in the Royal Exploration Corps! Whether scaling the heights of the Matterhorn, Exploring the Jungle Rivers of the Lost Delta or rescuing wayward tourists from the perils within the Temple of the Forbidden Eye, Cole’s Resume is the apotheosis of Adventure!

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Sir Raz Tarian I

Sir Raz Tarian I

Adventurer and Legend

Sir Tarian’s bravery is the stuff of legend! A veteran of countless expeditions, he is often found on Jungle Navigation Company launches, motoring headlong in to Adventure!

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Jake “Clapperboard” Varon

Jake “Clapperboard” Varon

Documentarian and Explorer - Eastern Terminus

Jake “Clapperboard” Varon can often be found anywhere from The Village of Harambe to The Kingdom of Anandapur. Accompanied by his avian companion Magellan, documenting wildlife and many an expedition the wildest places. If you see him, feel free to stop greet him with a hearty “Semper Exploro!”

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Count Marcus Romulus Bestwick

Count Marcus Romulus Bestwick

Adventurer’s Club Charter Member
Alligator Mississippiensis Wrestler

A charter member of Merriweather Pleasure’s Adventurer’s Club, he was nominated for membership in the R.E.C. by none other than Colonel Critchlow Sunchbench himself! Bestwick is a veteran of numerous Expeditions in to the Florida Everglades where he attained notoriety as an exceptional Alligator Wrangler and Wrestler. On occasion he can be found plying his trade in Australia, but as he likes to say, “That’s a Croc”.

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Professor Sir Roy Hinkley

Professor Sir Roy Hinkley

Alchemist and Authority on Exotic Distillates and Native Potions

Hinkley is a tenured professor of Marshall College and is currently engaged in the field and on assignment at Trader Sam’s Western outpost. Here the Professor is conducting research in to the chemical composition of the poison darts used by Hovitos tribe and how the substance can be refined and employed to boost the potency of Rum libations.

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Doctor Carolyn Eleanor "Arizona" Jones

Doctor Carolyn Eleanor "Arizona" Jones

Noted Explorer and Adventurer

Doctor Carolyn Eleanor Jones, also known by her professional name Arizona Jones is a Professor of Archeology and cousin to Henry Walton Jones, Jr. Arizona has led many R.E.C. exploratory expeditions, including several into the Temple of the Forbidden Eye. She is well known for her discoveries of the lost tomb of Queen Nefertiti, Montezuma's treasure, and Sappho's lost poems.

Unlike her cousin Henry, she isn't much troubled by snakes, but spiders on the other hand. No matter the Reptilia or Arachnida you can always count on Arizona to come through when things get... adventurous!

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