Royal Exploration Corps Adventureland Summer Conference Meet Up

All Explorers and Adventurers Invited Join - Sunday July 16th

Royal Exploration Corps
Adventureland Meet Up


Lost Delta Region / Western Terminus J.N.C and surrounding areas (Adventureland - Disneyland)
33° 48' 41" N
117° 55' 12" W


The R.E.C. is orchestrating a condensed expeditionary foray into the Lost Delta Region Sunday July 16th. All Members and like minded explorers are invited and urged to take part. The primary objective of the errand is social, with members encouraged to renew acquaintances, make new acquaintances with fellow explorers and adventurers, and share news of their latest adventures and exploits. Expedition to commence 0800-0830hrs Bengal BBQ Mess Hall, located nearby the Temple Doctor Jones is currently exploring, with coffee as needed.

As of this Dispatch, many members of the R.E.C. have confirmed their attendance.

Itinerary (Time are estimates):

0800 hours: Bengal BBQ Mess Hall. (Coffee Service)
0830 - 0900 hours: JNC Boathouse / Jungle Cruise Booking Window area - General discussion.
0930 hours: Lost Delta Temple - Inspection and Jeep Tour of Dr. Henry Jones archeological excavation.
1000 - 1030 hours: JNC Boathouse - chartered excursion into Jungle.
1100 - 1130 hours: Luncheon (Venue TBD)
1230 - XXXX: Socialize and exploration of surrounding regions including reconnaissance of "Tree House"
1500: Trader Sam’s - Gather for Adventurers’ Happy Hour and recount the day's deeds of Gallantry, Bravery and Vigor!


As the region be well in to its summer season, equatorial garb is recommended for members and fellow explorers, likewise suitable livery is recommended for valets and subsequent service staff complements.

If you find yourself in the vicinity on the 16th, consider visiting in appropriate dress and seeking out members of the R.E.C.

Et Cetera:

The R.E.C. and its members are not affiliated with the Disney company or Disneyland, nor is it affiliated with “Adventureland Day” or its hardworking team. We are simply “members” of the R.E.C. and fans of Disney, Adventureland Day(s), S.E.A., J.N.C. and all things related. Please, if you do visit (anytime), keep in mind that while Disney / Disneyland allows a certain amount of “Cosplay” type dress, do not represent yourself as a Cast Member or any Disney character.

If you need an excuse to dress in adventurous attire and visit the park, this just might be it. We know several CM’s that get a kick out of seeing guests “get into it”.

Kungaloosh and Semper Exploro