Icelandic Expedition

Commander Youngington and Miss V. Constantine to Explore Iceland

The two noted explorers are just a few short weeks away from departing for the North Atlantic, just south of the Arctic Circle, and the Nordic island country of Snæland - Iceland.

The two hope to circumnavigate (counter clockwise) the entire landmass of the island, avoiding dangerous volcanic and geologic activity caused by its geographic location atop tectonic plates. A multi-week terrestrial exploration will include research at such notable locations as Fjaðrárgljúfur, Dettifoss, Goðafoss, Snæfellsnes and Kirkjufell. The 1300+ km route will have the two documenting the vastness of the territory. With fall approaching in the Northern Hemisphere, and the beginning of longer periods of night, if weather permits, viewing of aurora borealis may be possible as well. The timing of the expedition such that a "new moon" will be present for the entirety. The two will travel by motor, and will find galley and shelter in the coach.

Upon their return a full debrief will be conducted and journal, photographic, and motion picture elements will be available for all R.E.C. Members to study.

There may be some communication via radiotelegraphy during the expedition. Booby will however not be available at this far northern latitude.

Truly Semper Exploro R.E.C. members!

'23 The Year of Adventure