Adventureland Day '24 Debriefing

Adventureland Day '24 Debriefing

With the recent Adventureland Day firmly etched into the annals of history, an official Royal Exploration Corps debrief is customary. Along with the usual Adventurous complement, this year the Corps was elated to welcome members from its R.E.C. Aero Squadron. Several of its members, including Miss Veronica Constantine and Miss H.B. Elektra , arriving by dirigible.

The day began as Corps members rendezvoused in and around the J.N.C.'s Western Terminus. The early arriving attendees’ spirits were high such that no concern was tendered for the light, but noticeable, touch of precipitation falling from above. In fact, the moisture brought about conversation and reminiscence of explorations past.
The passing early morning hours brought with them the arrival of more Adventurers, and a sense of camaraderie began to fill the air.

Among those present, were several Explorers known to, and expected by, The R.E.C. These were new members, and with raised right hand and a pledge of adherence to the Corps’ prestigious oath, they were indoctrinated into the Royal Exploration Corps! Bravo to our Freshman recruits!  
Most notable among the newly minted members was the young and fearless Sir Cole. Along with that fine gentleman, a detachment of JNC Skippers (all of whom exemplary pilots and navigators that have assisted R.E.C. members on countless expeditions into the wilds) were also welcomed into the members ranks. Chief among them, was JNC Officer and Jungle Arborist; Skipper Kristi – a true legend of the Delta Regions. Lastly, The Corps was elated to offer honorary membership to the one, and only, Skipper Freddy! This man hardly needs introduction as he is well known throughout the Adventuring community and is one of the gallant hosts that make Adventureland Day a reality.
As mid-morning progressed, and the denizens congregated, conversations of past Adventureland Days abounded as photographic plates were uninterruptedly exposed - documenting and recording all the celebrated happenings of the joyful gathering.
Before long, Commander Youngington Regalia Esq. and Doctor John Nedson Shortbottom III came upon the illustrious Sir Tony of the Tiki, and they shared with him the latest edition of Eye On the Globe, which prominently featured a well written article regarding Sir Tony. Upon reading of himself, Tony beamed his trademark and intoxicating smile. 

The late morning witnessed no relaxation of pomp when Doctor Artimus Kingsmen assembled a small group of the attending R.E.C. members to witness an impromptu ceremony. In front of the gathered audience, he bestowed a great honor upon Commander Youngington, Doctor Shortbottom, and The Barron, presenting them all with medals of recognition for their unwavering leadership.
At the core of Adventureland Day is, of course, Adventure!!  And, with that bent of mind, explorations were embarked upon as various groups set about touring the nearby Temple and Treehouse. Some even chartered JNC skiffs for excursions into the jungle.

As for R.E.C. members, they descended upon the Temple of the Forbidden Eye to survey Doctor Jones' latest excavation discoveries; however this was soon to turn into a most troubling tour, as a jeep full of Corps members found themselves unexpectedly ensnared in a poison-blow-dart-firing "trap" located deep in temple’s catacombs. All 12 jeep passenger were hit and immediately rendered immobile. With none left to drive, the vehicle coasted into the main Temple area with all on board incapacitated and lying limp in their seats. The poison in question is typically fatal. Fortunately, due to the Corps members imbibement of various exotic rums, the alcohol content in their blood was sufficient to provide a level of immunity to the poison, and its lessened potency only had a brief impact. Thankfully, all were ambulatory within short minutes.

With the perils of the Temple passed, midday approached and so did the customary scavenger hunt. This yearly challenge has every Adventurer using their wits and navigational skills to decipher cryptic codes and hurriedly discover hidden clues that lead would-be treasure hunters to untold riches. The trail eventually terminated at a secret and out of the way location where successful Adventurers were awarded with a hand crafted and unique artifact. Furthermore, it was also at this location where The Commander and Lady Elizabeth Hastings were both presented with a special award in honor and recognition of their official and unique uniforms.
When the shadows grew long, many of the expedition ventured to Doctor Shortbottom's accommodations at the Grand Hotel. Food and beverage were served as the day’s deeds were recounted a tales of Gallantry, Bravery and Vigor were extolled. A fitting end to an exemplary and glorious Adventureland Day!
Well done Royal Exploration Corps members! Another successful and notable Adventureland Day!
Kungaloosh! and Semper Exploro!