Skipper Canteen - Jungle Navigation Co LTD / S.E.A. Library

Skipper Canteen - Jungle Navigation Co LTD / S.E.A. Library

Recently Sir T. Youngington Regalia Esq., Commander Royal Exploration Corps and Miss Constantine, Princess of Lands, Scholar and Skipper paid a visit to the Skipper Canteen. The Canteen, located very near the Atlantic, houses one of the S.E.A.s most complete libraries of past expeditions and adventures. The Commander and Miss Constantine were not only in search of food and drink, but any new information related to Harrison Hightower III. Hightower, last seen January 1, 1900 at his Hotel Hightower shortly after an expedition where he had stolen a tribes deity, Shiriki Utundu, personified in the form of an idol.

The two were given the "Butterfly" alcove to enjoy while conducting their research, enjoying a fine meal, and imbibing luscious beverages. While nothing new was uncovered, a fine time was had none the less.