Gentleman Anthony

Gentleman Anthony

Explorer and Documentarian - Jungle Delta

Long a storied member of the R.E.C., Gent. Anthony has accompanied many expeditions into the jungle regions the J.N.C. services. He is said to have learned the ways of the jungle from the indigenous peoples and has become an honored guest to many of them. Knowing the mysterious waterways like the back of his hand. He is often called upon to act as an emissary for explorations of the R.E.C. and S.E.A. With a firm handshake he has negotiated passage for many exploratory missions.

Gentleman Anthony, through his many explorations, has collected a substantial library of photographic documentation of not only the farthest reaches of the jungle but of many of the Skippers that ply the waters of the region. His journal, Jungle Delta is a well versed repository of photographic information.