Adventures • Campagnes • Erratics

Eye On The Globe Adventureland Day '24

Eye On The Globe Discovers LOST Adventureland Day '24 Footage!

The Eye has discovered, a film reel deep in the jungle. And if you don't believe it, well you are in denial. While the film was severely damaged, it now over 60 days on the banks of the elephant bathing pool, it appears to document much of the Royal Exploration Corps attendance.

There is a slight possibility a second, undamaged and complete copy made it out of the jungle. The Eye On The Globe is continuing to look for this.

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It's Official!

Shortbottom Distillates 4th Release

Shortbottom Distillates "The Aero Squadron" Overproof Rum has made it to the TL Tiki at R.E.C. Headquarters!

As reported via radiotelegraphy and Booby messenger recently, a new libation was spotted on the J.N.C.'s docks, western terminus recently. Skippers, many of which are Royal Exploration Members themselves, indicated a dirigible appeared above the docks before the days operations got underway. One skipper said the pilot of the lighter than air craft yelled out KUNGALOOSH as they dispatched a crate of the rum. The crate, safely attached to a parachute, gently hit its mark at the edge of the docks. It appears to be no fable!

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Fearless Jungle Skipper Saves The Day - AGAIN!

Schweitzer Falls - We'll Go Over That In A Moment

You may be familiar with Skipper Annie from her work with the Royal Exploration Corps. This past winter she bravely maneuvered a jungle skiff out of danger, a boat that contained Miss Constantine, Doctor Nedson Shortbottom and Commander Youngington, as well as several other explorers. She was immediately presented with a Certificate Of Adventurous Merit for saving the day.

Since then the Skipper has not been short of adventures. Guiding intrepid explorers not only on the waters of the jungle, but also by way of motor navigating the often frenzied streets of the nearby "Lands".

Word has made it back to R.E.C. HQ of another disaster averted by the quick, and vigorous, thinking and skills of Skipper Annie. As the noted Skipper was touring the jungle in her own craft, she came upon another vessel precariously close to the upper edge of Schweitzer Falls! The falls discovered by Dr. Albert Falls, it creates the Eighth Wonder of The World! Fearing the skiff and its passengers would "go over it", she quickly maneuvered her sturdy machine right along side of the seemingly doomed boat. Skillfully she tossed a length of rope around a tree stump onshore to secure her craft. Then jumping across to the Jungle Cruise boat now nearly teetering at the edge, she took the helm. All were saved, and if you don't believe it, well then you're in denial.

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Adventureland Day '24 Debriefing

Adventureland Day '24 Debriefing

With the recent Adventureland Day firmly etched into the annals of history, an official Royal Exploration Corps debrief is customary. Along with the usual Adventurous complement, this year the Corps was elated to welcome members from its R.E.C. Aero Squadron. Several of its members, including Miss Veronica Constantine and Miss H.B. Elektra , arriving by dirigible.

The day began as Corps members rendezvoused in and around the J.N.C.'s Western Terminus. The early arriving attendees’ spirits were high such that no concern was tendered for the light, but noticeable, touch of precipitation falling from above. In fact, the moisture brought about conversation and reminiscence of explorations past.
The passing early morning hours brought with them the arrival of more Adventurers, and a sense of camaraderie began to fill the air.

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Aero Squadron To Attend Adventureland Day

R.E.C. Aero Squadron Members To Alight

The Royal Exploration Corps is elated to announce several members of the R.E.C.'s Aero Squadron will be in attendance at the upcoming Adventureland Day - Western Terminus. The Corps own dirigible will be mooring at the Mouse & Colleagues Aerodrome.

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Unscheduled Foray - Lost Delta

R.E.C. Members Tour Captured By Eye On The Globe

A small R.E.C. detachment recently conducted an unscheduled tour and foray in to the Lost Delta regions, captured by the Eye On The Globe.

Upon arrival, the group was delighted to discover additional members already on expedition.

With confabulation complete, the detachment turned its attention to the Jungle Navigation Company and charted a launch. They then set off on an explicatory peregrination in to the undergrowth.

Shortly after embarkation, the tour ran in to DANGER! Thankfully, at the helm of the intrepid pinnace, was the fearless Skipper Annie! With unrivaled bravery she navigated the perilous water ways and ultimately returned the Corps safely to the docks. So impressed with her vigor and stout heart, the R.E.C. members presented her with a field commendation – A Certificate of Adventurous Merit and the accompanying regalia.

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Certificate Of Adventurous Merit Awarded

Fearless Skipper Presented With Prestigious Award

Recently a small detachment of Royal Exploration Corps members were in the Lost Delta region, inspecting the joint R.E.C. / S.E.A. Treehouse, touring the Temple, and browsing the recent acquisitions of the Bazaar. Wanting to check on goings-on at the J.N.C. docks they decided it would be prudent to also take a skiff into the jungle for a relaxing cruise. As things often go, they quickly came upon the first sign of danger. Not soon after they were surrounded by dangerous hippos, ears wiggling. Thankfully Skipper Annie was at the helm and safely maneuvered away from the trouble. But danger wasn't through with them yet, piranha and even a boa constrictor had eyes on those aboard. Again, without hesitation, the levelheaded skipper saved the day and soon had everyone back at the dock.

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Adventureland Treehouse '23

Joint R.E.C. & S.E.A. Field Headquarters – JNC Western Terminus 

This past November 10th, Royal Exploration Corps members Commander T. Youngington Regalia Esq., and Doctor John Nedson Shortbottom III attended the long-awaited opening of the Adventureland Treehouse which included a new R.E.C. and S.E.A., jointly shared field Headquarters. Here the two well established groups of explorers (whose ranks include many individuals with memberships in both organizations) will enjoy an outpost located in the Jungle regions and adjacent “Lands”. 

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Indy's "Right Hand Man" Awarded

Lieutenant Casey Awarded Archeologist Of The Year

Noted Archeologist and famed Skipper Lieutenant Casey has been awarded Archeologist Of The Year for his recent discoveries at the Temple of the Forbidden Eye. Working together with Dr. Henry Walton Jones, Jr., the two have discovered another deeper level of the temple. A dark and mysterious catacomb containing treasure and relics that would astound even the most seasoned explorer.

Marshall College, where Doctor Jones himself taught, awards this prestigious title to only the most deserving Archeologist and Explorer each year. Other notable recipients include Howard Carter, Jean-Francois Champollion, and Sir Flinders Petrie.

You can often find Lt. Casey working in the Temple, occasionally assisting visiting scholars and guests of the Temple with their own research.

The Royal Exploration Corps is elated to count the Lieutenant as a Distinguished Member.

Kungaloosh and Semper Exploro Lieutenant Casey!

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Youngington & Shortbottom Preview Hunt

The Commander and Doctor Shortbottom Visit Lands to Preview Hunting Grounds

Recently Royal Exploration Corps Officers Youngington and Shortbottom visited the grounds of the upcoming 1st Annual R.E.C. Varmint Hunt. The two surveyed the terrain and made final preparations. The hunt is to be held on the grounds of the Lands this 12th day of November. R.E.C. Distinguished Officers and Honorary Members are invited to attend. Official invitations have been dispatched via Booby transport as of this Journal entry. Additionally, monitor radiotelegraphy frequencies for updates. If equipped, utilize portable transceivers as you are en route to the rendezvous the morning of the extravaganza.

Arrive top of the hour, 8 o'clock, inner bailey, Sleeping Beauty Castle. Here attendees will mount their field hunter for the mornings shoot. Proper attire requested. Mid day refreshers and afternoon Deoch-an-doris will be taken as expected, and required.

Semper Exploro.

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Icelandic Expedition Successful

Icelandic Expedition - Adventure Across Iceland '23

Commander Youngington And Miss V. Constantine Return

The Royal Exploration Corps Sir T. Youngington Regalia Esq., Commander and Miss Veronica Constantine have successfully concluded their momentous expedition to the Nordic island country between the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans - Iceland. Their thirteen day expedition had the Commander and Miss Constantine travel over 3,000km, circumnavigating nearly the entire island in their motor accommodations. Often times poor roads and energetic weather would slow their progress, but the two ranking members of the R.E.C. would endure.

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Final Preparations for Icelandic Expedition

Commander Youngington And Doctor N. Shortbottom Discuss Route

Sir T. Youngington Regalia Esq., Commander Royal Exploration Corps, along with Miss V. Constantine are now just days from departure for the Land of Fire and Ice - The Nordic island country of Iceland.

Last minute preparations are underway. Doctor John Nedson Shortbottom III, a noted cartographer, and the Commander study acceptable routes between the North-American continent and the island country of Iceland. Using documents in the Royal Exploration Corps library, many of which originating with Viking Captains, the two discuss plans.

Monitor the common expedition frequency of 3.725 megacycles lower sideband in the coming weeks for transmissions from the Commander and Miss Constantine. Upon their return a full debrief will be dispatched.

Semper Exploro Commander Youngington!

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